Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Sorry I've not been here for a few days; life gets busy and I'm having a hard time keeping up.  Much like the woman I saw driving to Harrison this morning, it feels like no matter how much I hurry it doesn't matter.

I first noticed here in my rear view mirror weaving behind cars trying to find a clear path on I-74.  It was obvious that she was in a major hurry and her impatience was causing he to be reckless.  You've seen car chase scenes in movies where the person is riding their gas and brake and the vehicle is almost bouncing as a result.  Well, this minivan was bouncing all over the highway.

She got ahead of me and then I saw her brakelights.  I was in the right lane and she was in the left but it was still unsettling to see a car start backing up - going in the wrong direction - on a busy road. I assume she was going to make a U-Turn in the place I've seen many patrol cars but as I got close to where she was she changed her mind and began taking off again.  Unfortunately for her, now there were more cars in her way - in fact, it was many of the same ones she'd dodged a minute ago.

I pulled off my exit and she followed behind.  She pulled up next to me in the right lane and she was waving her arms and screaming into a cell phone.  She put her head in her hands and started screaming again.

Now, my friends make fun of my for having an overactive imagination but I often create backstories for the people that I see in the world.  Was her child in an accident?  Was her home on fire?  Did someone tell her they saw her boyfriend cheating on her?  Whatever it was she was in a big hurry to get wherever she was going.

But then she put the phone down and calmly lit up a cigarette.  The light turned green and we both pulled out.  She was no longer driving erratically, though she had pulled up the furry hood on her jacket.  Crisis averted, I guess.

I've had days were I've driven like a maniac.  Usually its when I spend too much time talking to friends and am running late to get to work, afraid I'm leaving a client locked outside my door in the cold wondering if I've forgotten them.  I've screamed at traffic and I've dodged a couple cars.  Not often, mind you, but too many times.

I can justify that kind of hurry because it affects people.  But what about the times I've rushed to get to a movie?  Or just didn't want to wait behind some slow person in their beater on my way to shop at Best Buy?  What have I missed in life by hurrying through it?

I discovered last March while at Disney World what it meant to "slow down and smell the roses."  I waited at the turnstiles with anxious families who ran when the rope dropped to stand in another line at a ride.  Meanwhile, I got out of their way, walked calmly to the bakery, and ate a crossiant in front of the castle.  (Later, I walked on those same rides with no wait, by the way).  For the first time at Disney, I relaxed.  And I enjoyed myself so much more than I had on the dozen trips before where I hurried from place to place and ride to ride.

What are you hurrying through?  What opportunity to be a blessing to someone are you missing because you're too busy?  Hurriedness equals unapproachableness, you know.  Think about this today and share your thoughts in the comments section.

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